Michael GoodMichael Good

Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania of Belgian parents, Michael Good spent his youth in both the US and Europe. In the late 50’s he moved to NYC, working with a sculptor who taught him rudimentary metalsmithing skills. In 1969, Michael and his wife, Karen, moved with their son to a miniscule town in northeast Maine where Michael continued to work on jewelry.

In 1977, he took a workshop with Heikki Seppa, a Finnish metalsmith who showed him the beginning techniques of putting a compound curve into a sheet of metal (like a saddle form). Michael was fascinated with the process, and figured out how to continue forming the curve into a tube.

From 1981-1986, he won several prestigious awards, including Intergold, Diamonds Today, and Diamonds International. This laid the foundation for a long career designing jewelry and sculpture using the now well known technique of Anticlastic Raising.

Michael has shown his work in both jewelry stores and galleries since the early 1980’s. Over the past several years, he has concentrated his efforts on a more limited number of elite stores, as well as his own gallery now located in Rockland, Maine.